Get your tickets now!
In the 25 years we have been attending the Fallowfield United Church Annual Fall Turkey Supper, the price for the all-you-can-eat dinner has doubled to $16. It is still the best meal deal in the Valley.
For this princely sum, you can enjoy a refreshing juice drink, dinner roll, a plateful of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, gravy, coleslaw, cranberry sauce, pickles and piece or two or three of homemade pie, coffee or tea. 'Tax and tip included'. Help yourself to seconds if you like. I dare you to find a better tasting church supper in the region. Let alone, a full meal experience at that price.
The supper is always the Saturday before the Thanksgiving weekend. This year it falls on Saturday, September 29th. The continuous seating begins at 4:15 pm and tends to end around 7:30 pm. They feed close to 500 people and some years have exceeded. Young and old from the congregation pitch in to make their major fundraiser a success.
The turkeys are cooked by the top cooks of the congregation. They also look after bringing in their best stuffing and piping-hot-secret-recipe gravy. Where possible, farmers have contributed vegetables for the meal's preparation. Proud pie makers provide the many choices of flaky goodness. I have it on good authority, that pecan pie is the most sought after. There is also a choice of cake for those that pass on pastry.
When you arrive, make your way into the sanctuary to pick up your tickets and listen to music. Enjoy the entertainment until your number is called. The dining takes place down in the church basement and they have capacity for close to 100 people. The crowds continue to flow as the hungry are seated, then fill up their bellies and head on their way.
It is a wonderful time to chat with old friends and neighbours and meet new ones. A few years ago, I sat across from Scott Moffatt, who is now councillor for Rideau-Goulbourn. Often I see the mayor out for a good meal deal - and in election years, the mayor wannabes.
Call today and reserve your tickets 613-838-2520. Takeout is also available.
Adults - $16
Children (6 - 12 yrs) - $8
Children (5 yrs and under) FREE
Fallowfield United Church is located at 110 Steeple Hill Crescent at the corner of Fallowfield Road. It is 1.5 kms west of the Fallowfield/416 exit, across from Valleyview Little Animal Farm.
Here are a few of our tasty dinners from years past.

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