I am nearing the end of my first CSA basket from Roots and Shoots Farm. We are appropriately signed up for a half share as there is just the two of us most days.
The two weeks flew by and here I am, anticipating what will be in the next basket, soon to arrive.
I learned a lot last year about how to care for my produce to maximize shelf life. When I bring the items home, I give them a quick cleanup where necessary. I have a few plastic grocery bags I recycle for just the occasion. Most items are wrapped loosely, but well, in order to keep the moisture in.
A testament to the effort was the fact that tonight we enjoyed the Red Russian Kale.
Maybe it wasn't as perky as pick up day almost two weeks ago but it was still fresh and raring to go.
The first Roots and Shoots newsletter for the season contained recipes to help us get started. In conversation with a few blog readers and fellow Roots and Shoots CSA'ers, it was clear that the Kale and Eggs dish was a hit.
Here is the Roots and Shoots Kale and Eggs recipe direct from the newsletter:
"Red Russian Kale: This can be used the same way as Bok Choy, in a stirfry or raw in a salad, but you should try one of our favorite farm breakfasts – Kale and Eggs. We fry up (quickly) some onions and scapes, throw in the chopped kale, add some soy sauce on top. Add a little water and cover, so the kale will steam a bit. Then crack an egg (or three) on the kale and re-cover. You can add a little water if there’s not much steam left. The egg should steam lightly on top of the kale, and in the time it takes for two sets of toast to almost burn, your breakfast is ready!! "

Our 'toast' was Art-is-in Boulangerie's Dynamite Cheddar, Chive & Jalapeño Baguette. (We keep a stash in the freezer for such occasions.) We did not have any scapes remaining so the chef substituted minced garlic.
I dressed my Kale and Egg open-faced sandwiches with homemade red pepper and peach relish and a few toasted pine nuts.
Thank you Roots and Shoots for great produce. Thank you Ari for 'egging' me on. I finally made this breakfast dish. For dinner!
oh yum kale! I miss our csa baskets! we couldn't do it this year for various reasons. must go to our local farmer's market tomorrow!