Saturday, May 8, 2010

On Monday, We Just Need A Bit of John Taylor

I have two very special friends coming to town tomorrow and we are lined up for a lunch date on Monday. I was asked to pick the spot since this is my town. When I started to ponder this weighty decision a week or so ago, I had secretly hoped that Monday would see us sitting at Sunnyside and Bank, enjoying our lunch at Taylor's Genuine Food & Wine Bar. As the launch is still days away, to get our fix of chef John Taylor, we will instead be nestled in at his Byward Market establishment, Domus Café at 87 Murray Street. Ottawa is not a town my visitors come to often, so I hope that this experience will give them a taste for the depth of our culinary landscape here in the nation's capital.

As you can imagine the opening of Taylor's Genuine Food & Wine Bar is much anticipated and I too am on that list of those keenly waiting. There have been some great articles written up recently and I invite you to read more about this new additon to Old Ottawa South's food scene.

Our New Wine Bar by William Burr published in the May edition of The OSCAR. Page 9.

It's Genuine: John Taylor's Food and Wine Bar by S. Bergwerff published on May 5th.

Here's the exclusive inside look at John Taylor's new resto -- Video by Ron Eade posted on his blog Omnivore's Ottawa on May 7th.

For John Taylor, with all this interest, it must feel like a pretty nice way to start into this end of Ottawa.

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