Friday, March 26, 2010

Chicken Pot Pie

I picked up some chicken thighs yesterday at the Read Canadian Super Store in Westboro. I think they were $4.41/kg. Not sure if that is good but it seemed like I could make a lot of meal for the $6.00 package. I decided to make Chicken Pot Pie since I also had puff pastry I could move along. And the recipe would also make short order of my last few carrots, sticks of celery and some potatoes. I love moving things along! The recipe is simple but does create a bit of a wow for something that is in the comfort food category and more about soothing than culinary prowess. I found the recipe on the Canadian Living website and it has been through the paces of the Canadian Living Test Kitchen. I do like that kitchen as it has never failed me. So if you find yourself with some of these ingredients and needing an idea, Chicken Pot Pie is just the thing to move it along.

I ended up barbecuing the 8+ thighs and using cooked meat in the recipe. It just seemed to me that it would make the meat easier to handle since it was bone in and skin on. That worked just fine. I then used all the bones, etc for making a chicken stock and that has yielded me 15 cups of yummy flavours for another day. My experience isn't quite nose to hoof, or whatever that saying is, but I think I did well with my $6.00 worth of chicken. Now if I could just remember to take a picture next time.

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