Thursday, February 11, 2010

Suicide, Your Final Bow

British fashion designer, Alexander McQueen, was found dead today at the age of 40. By all accounts, it appears that he took is own life. Suicide represents an act of eliminating the complete and utter pain that comes with living. One wonders if there is ever a way to offer hope to someone so distressed that they see but one solution - the ultimate end. How many funerals have you heard of where the church is filled to capacity and overflowing? The volume of outpouring at the time of death is sometimes misconstrued as the measure of a man. If you were to leave this earth today, who would come to honour you? If you think no one, then maybe you will choose your final bow. But the measure of a man and whether he needs to stay here and finish his life's work, is really quite a simple formula. In fact, only one person needs to weep inconsolably for his loss. And if you know this to be true, then stay. It is your sign that you still have so much more to do. Please, choose to stay and witness a better day.

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